We are your go to gals for all things adventure.

  • Want to see what youre really made of? Maybe you want to crush that upcoming race. Or maybe you want to inspire and motivate your team.

  • Through embracing challenges we will build your confidence and skillset to help maximise your potential.

  • Resilience and adaptability are key when playing in nature and are two skills that are fundamental in reaching your goals.

Who are ‘A level up’

Simone Maier and Emily Wilson are two of the world’s top adventure and multisport racers. Based out of the adventure mecca that is Wanaka, New Zealand they have refined their vast skills learnt over the years and condensed them down into outdoor courses and coaching.

Perfect for anyone who is new to the multisport disciplines all the way through to coaching for the elite performers, they are able to tailor courses to your needs.

Simone and Emily have a unique approach to the way they teach which has become legendary around these parts. Learning in the outdoors can be testing, but they bring their quirky and lighthearted personalities to keep the vibe high and keep you inspired to push on whilst imparting valuable knowledge.
